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The Eagle Way

Our nest. Our news.

The Eagle Way

Our nest. Our news.

The Eagle Way

Will Dennis

Will Dennis, Staff Writer - Sports

With hopes of becoming a sports journalist or working as a broadcaster with ESPN, Will Dennis joined newspaper to get a head start on his future career. Dennis, a senior, enrolled in Newspaper because it would give him an insight on journalism to see if it was something he truly wanted to pursue. Excited for the welcoming and fun community that Newspaper has to offer, Dennis plans on writing many pieces on the sports world as well as natural disasters and anything related to what’s going on in the world such as global warming. In his free time, Dennis finds himself watching sports (specifically football), hanging out with friends, playing video games, and driving around listening to music. Dennis also enjoys going up to the mountains and national parks. Five years from now, Will hopes to be graduated from college and working as a on field broadcaster. Dennis is ready to begin his first year in newspaper and delve into the community of writers with similar passions to him.

All content by Will Dennis