Oktoberfest Celebration: A Day of Music, Brats and (Root)beer


Hannah Belmont and Annabelle Lingbeck

(Root)beer, brats, and festive music, three words that sum up Oktoberfest, a German festival celebrated by BHS’ German classes this week. From making pretzels to singing german karaoke, Mrs. Guthrie knows how to celebrate the exciting holiday.

“Oktoberfest, the original was a celebration of a wedding, a wedding for prince Louis and princess Therese, and they had a huge party at the beginning of October to celebrate it. They had horse races, lots of food and drinking, then it morphed into a food and beer festival in Germany” said Mrs. Guthrie.

Although beer isn’t allowed at school, the german classes found plenty of ways to celebrate. During class, they made homemade pretzels, played pretzel throw, Mrs. Guthrie’s own version of horseshoe, danced to German music, and ate ethnic German foods.

Students said they enjoyed learning about the fun holiday. Daniela Meza, a student in German 4, said “My favorite part was probably dancing to the German songs, they’re pretty interesting.” Many agreed that someday, they would love to visit Germany and attend a real Oktoberfest celebration. Highlights for students was the food and the music.

Oktoberfest is a fun holiday celebrating food, drinking, and friends. BHS’ german classes were lucky to experience this exciting event, thanks to Mrs. Guthrie.