Recently BHS had the honor of welcoming author and volleyball coach, Kathy Bresnahan (Brez for short). Bresnahan came and shared how she beat utter tragedy and became an advocate for spreading kindness.
Long before Bresnahan became an author she was a volleyball coach at Iowa West High. On the team was Caroline Found. Caroline was their 1st team all-state setter. What set her apart was her personality: “She was the most popular at school, she found and made friends with everyone,” said Brez.
Brez described Caroline’s determined effort to seek out the “invisible” kids. Anyone who sat alone or had no friends, Caroline would approach them, beaming with kindness, and ask them to eat lunch with her. Her mission each day was to complete a simple act of kindness. This, she believed, was the best way to change the world.
Tragically, halfway through the season, Caroline’s mom was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. The news struck Caroline deeply, but she still held close to her pursuit and continued to carry her volleyball team. One night, on the way to visit her mom at the hospital, Caroline crashed her moped and died.
Brez and the team were broken, but they carried on in Caroline’s absence. Brez conveyed how the silence echoed throughout the community. However, the team had to continue. Caroline’s best friend took on her position as setter, and the team adopted the motto “Live Like ‘Line” as a tribute to Caroline’s bright personality.
Volleyball season was far from over for Brez’s team, and there was no stopping. Each game the girls played with their hearts and they made it to state finals. The game was against their all-time rivals, and the air was thick with emotion. Brez’s team won 19-17 in the final set.

When the season concluded, Brez was touched by the miracle she had just lived through. It was amazing to her to see the enormous effect of kindness from one person. Brez knew she had to do something to get Caroline’s story out into the world.
Brez wrote a long, heartfelt letter to novelist Frank Deford, asking for him to compose a story. He wrote back and explained that a story this personal was better written by Brez herself. However, Deford offered to initiate an HBO feature (watch on youtube).
Seeing it as her only option, Brez took it upon herself to write Caroline into a book. After long hours of working with a writing coach and editing, Bresnahan’s story, The Miracle Season, was complete.
The book details Caroline’s story, but it encapsulates the overarching theme of kindness. The reason for Bresnahan’s visit to BHS was to spread the “Live Like Line” initiative. That is to strive to make a difference and be a passionate leader wherever possible.
Caroline “caused a tsunami that affected millions,” said Bresnahan. She explained the sprawling impact one simple act of kindness can have. The Live Like Line Foundation was created to inspire and assist those who go unnoticed.
Bresnahan’s message to Broomfield High School was to make a change. This means accepting everyone from every social group and doing acts to make those who go unnoticed, noticed and appreciated. She challenged Broomfield Eagles to look for those struggling and offer a helping hand. One drop of compassion can create a miracle.