This Saturday (10/14), expect Miramonte Blvd to be bustling with cars, coaches, players, and passionate fans. Broomfield is hosting softball regionals for the second year in a row.
Initially, Broomfield wasn’t expecting to accommodate the games, but after a win from Cherry Creek against Cherokee Trail, regionals were granted to the Eagles.
There are 32 teams competing in the 2023 softball regionals (including Broomfield of course), playing at eight different locations. On Saturday, 3 of those 32 — Arapahoe, Grandview, and Fort Collins — will be visiting.
In the first round, Broomfield will face Arapahoe, and Fort Collins will face Grandview. The winners will go on to play each other in a competition to secure a spot in the state championships.
Last year, Broomfield lost their opening game against Horizon, but they managed to redeem themselves in the consolation game and earned themselves a spot at state.

Regionals will be held at 10 AM, 12:30 PM, and 3:00 PM on 10/14/2, and all spectators will be expected to pay a $5 entry fee (your Eagle activity pass is not accepted by CHSAA for playoff competitions).