The Club:
Diversify Our Narrative is a club that is composed of high school and college students. The club pushes for equity within public, charter, and private school districts by changing policies, education, and building the community.
The students work with local school boards and administration in order to achieve their goal of creating a more-inclusive curriculum. The club was founded in June of 2020 by two Stanford students who wanted to include diverse texts within English classrooms.
The club believes that education should always be accessible, no matter who or where a student is or comes from. The club manages their content mostly through their Newsletter, Instagram and Youtube.
In the club, students have the opportunity to use their leadership skills on the national level. They have multiple different teams which include the Executive Team, National Curriculum, Allyship Council, and Communications Council.
The club recruits about twice a year for the national team. Recruiting occurs in the fall and spring. Diversify Our Narrative meets Sundays at twelve in the afternoon, virtually.
The club is currently recruiting underclassmen, specifically freshmen. In order to participate in the club, click this link. Kaviya Chidambaram, a former Eagle, continues to be a member of the club as a Co-Executive Director of Mobilization.
Chidambaram, is a Boettcher and El Pomar Scholar, currently attending the Colorado College (‘27), Chidambaram is currently studying International Political Economy and Environmental Science.
Bless Tomarong (‘25) is a junior at BrHS and looks up to Kaviya Chidambaram. Tomarong joined Diversify Our Narrative last year and has an enormous amount of passion about diversity and activism.
In fact, Tomarong said, “I joined because Kaviya has always been a role model for me when I first joined, and I’ve always wanted to have more representational classrooms.” Tomarong’s current role in the club is managing the BVSD branch along with another student from Monarch High School under the Anti-Racist District.
Tomarong said, “Since I was a kid, there hasn’t always been this form of representation for people like me. For example, Filipino or queer or mainly just like Filipino and Asian.” Tomarong strives for diversity and inclusion for everyone in the community.
Culture Night:
Tomarong organized the culture night at BrHS last year, and plans to do it again at MHS. Tomarong said, “It was my first big thing. Ally, one of our current chairs, helped to organize it, but it’s like my baby. We hope to have culture night again this year because we want to get new members.”
Culture Night at BrHS 2023. Organized by Bless Tomarong (‘25) to the left of Ginger Ramsay. Chidambaram to the left of Bless.
Reason to Join:
Tomarong said, “Our goal this year is to recruit lots of underclassmen so we have a nice cycle and flow so we will hopefully reach out to other members. We strive to get to know our members more since our club is spread out, and not in-person.”
The club prioritizes communication, although if the meeting time on Sunday doesn’t work out for members, they are encouraged to continue communicating with other members. However, if members attend the Sunday meeting at noon, members receive one to two hours of community service each week.
Diversify Our Narrative is currently searching for new members, especially underclassmen. And would be happy to have new participants.