Mom May Be Right On This One

The true benefits of using your cell phone less.


Avery Schmidt, Staff Writer

The newest iPhone is in the pockets of most high schoolers across the world. The useful everyday tool is great for anything from communicating with family and friends to catching up on Kylie Jenner’s recent Instagram post. Although it has a lot of positives, the constant texting and social media scrolling end up becoming tiresome, and these time-consuming actions might be doing more harm than you think.

On average, teens spend approximately 7.5 hours on their phones every day. It tends to distract from homework, limit spending time face to face with family and friends, and prevent sleep. Putting your phone in a different room while working or sleeping can increase your brain’s productivity, and put you in a better mood.

Social media causes your self-esteem to lower and your anxiety to increase, causing your mental and physical health to deteriorate. Using your phone less can enhance not only your mental health but your physical health too. Sleep patterns, brain activity and reaction times improve when you use your phone less.

Broomfield High School sophomore, Bella Arreola, describes how she feels when she puts her phone away early at night. “My parents make me put my phone in the kitchen at 11 at night,” she said. “It’s actually really refreshing. I get time to actually do stuff and I’m not reaching for my phone every two seconds”.

At night, the bright blue light produced by your phone screen tricks your brain because it mimics the brightness of the sun. This makes your brain stop producing melatonin, which is a hormone that lets you know it’s time to sleep.

Your phone tends to never leave your side. It goes to school with you, your car, your bed, and even your bathroom. Studies have shown that your phone is 7 times dirtier than your toilet. All of the gross bacteria can transmit major illnesses like the flu or eye infections.

Most people find themselves on their phones in social gatherings such as family dinners or hanging out with friends, so the device that is connecting you with other people is actually causing you to neglect face to face conversations.

“I feel more productive when I’m not on my phone,” said Emma Goldberg. She notices that she is able to get more work done and spend time with people in person when her phone is put away.

A phone can be used for a lot of positive things, but we often find ourselves on it a lot more than is necessary. This week, challenge yourself to put your phone down while you do your homework, or downstairs before you go to bed. It is very likely that you will feel more energized, restored, and overall happier without it.