Radium Girls Showings at BHS

Emanating Entertainment from Start to Finish


Kylie Wood, Staff Writer

The theatre department is preparing to show their first play of the year, Radium Girls, on September 12th, 13th, and 14th at 7 PM. Tickets cost $8 for students and seniors; $10 for adults.

Chemistry students are invited to see Radium Girls for free a day before its official opening during the school day. 

Radium Girls portrays the dial-watch painters who worked during World War I, manufacturing glowing watches for soldiers on the front line. The play showcases the struggles of being a radium worker: how radium poisoning, corporate secrets, and the fight for justice changed their lives. 

Rehearsals started the 31st of July and have resulted in over 90 hours of care being poured into this production. The crew has had to deal with technical difficulties on top of the usual challenge; their soundbox broke on Milk and Cookies night, August 22. 

Despite this temporary inability to make sound, the troupe did not suspend rehearsals, got the soundbox fixed, and are prepared for opening night.