Broomfield is Trash


Jenna Burgesser, Staff Writer

As I walk to my car parked in the Junior lot, I am stopped multiple times by pieces of trash drifting about in the wind. After six classes, the last thing I want to do is pick up after my classmates. Yet, day after day, I am greeted by McDonalds bags and Starbucks cups belonging to those too lazy to walk fifteen feet to the nearest trash can. It’s embarrassing. Do you think Legacy looks like this? While Broomfield excels at many things compared to our rivals, cleanliness is not one of them. Litter lines the fences of the field, and fills the potholes scattered across the Senior lot. I watch ignorant kids walk to class after lunch and carelessly throw their leftover trash under their feet. They’re lazy. How hard is it to throw something away? What’s even worse is it doesn’t even phase them. They abandon waste around the school grounds, not even taking into consideration what it does to the environment, and to our school pride. These teenagers act more like infants toddlers, waiting for the adults to come and pick up after them. When they go home and come back the next day, their litter still remains. Countless times, I’ve heard visiting sports teams mock our school, saying, “I can’t believe how messy it is here.” That’s the last thing I want Broomfield to be known for. We have such a great school with outstanding programs and students. Yet all of this glory is masked by the piles of trash sitting on the school grounds.

It’s important to leave your mark in highschool, but please do so in a positive way.