Yelling Over The Sound of Gunshots


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Annabelle Lingbeck, Staff Writer

Just a week ago on the 14th there was a national school walkout where teens across the country spoke out about feeling unsafe in schools. After the Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, teens found their voices and started working to put an end to gun violence while many of our country’s representatives fell silent on the matter. Broomfield’s Riley Judd got in on the action and organized our school’s walkout to the City and Council Building, hoping to get her voice heard on the topic and help spark some change. Students everywhere gathered together, walking for the cause, making signs and sharing pictures, being loud, and chanting that there will be “not one more.”

Well, turns out it’s going to be a bit harder than that to reach our end goal of safety in schools. On Tuesday morning a student walked into Great Mills High School in Maryland and shot two of his classmates right before the start of class. Neither of the victims are dead, but one is in critical condition.

This news, while tragic, is not shocking. Shootings like this one and all of the previous ones are expected, and not a rare occurrence. Walking out was the first step, but after Tuesday, it is evident that it’s not enough. We all have to ask ourselves “what’s next?” and continue any and all momentum from the walkout going and fight for safety in schools. It may be a long and hard uphill battle, but the time has come to start fighting.