Sulky Seniors


Claire Tetro, Staff Writer

  Senior year. After 11 years of school work and hours upon hours in the classroom, the time is finally here. We are seniors. We are graduating. We are moving on with our lives to bigger and better things. But throughout the years why does it seem as though our class is constantly cheated? Why are we always left behind while the classes below us are thriving with new technologies and advancements?


It began freshman year when rumors about the new chromebooks transcended down the hallways. Chromebooks for the upcoming freshman, not for the class of 2018. Sophomore year, when rumor became reality and the freshman class was seen carrying around their newly distributed chromebooks, our sophomore class was left behind to the new technological advancements in modern education. It became a fight between classrooms to have the luxury of acquiring the chromebook carts for class. We were constantly behind in school work, as all assignments were online and unavailable to many of us. Despite our lack of accessibility to modern technology in the classroom, teachers continued to assign online assignments, and our class suffered.


Suffering from the possibility of car damage was another obstacle our class had to face, all thanks to our beloved senior lot. Cluttered with potholes and speed bumps, the senior lot is quite simply, chaos. Surely the chaos endured in the senior lot is not only due to the pavement, but it is due to the reckless driving by the seniors. Despite all factors contributing to the chaos of the senior lot, the lot needs to be repaved, and it will be, but not until next year. Once again, our class is being short handed, and we are stuck completing our senior year by driving in and out of a parking lot littered with potholes and garbage.


If you thought it couldn’t get any worse,  junior year as we began preparing for college, our class got stuck with the transition from the ACT to the SAT. A drastic change in standardized testing, students were forced to comply with the change and alter their preparation for testing. While the change may have been minimal to some students, others were greatly affected, as they were forced to take the SAT in school and find time to also take the ACT if a college they were applying to required it. Although it may seem as though only our school has had an affect on the changes occurring to our class, other seniors are also being impacted by these changes in modern education, specifically standardized testing.


It may seem as though our class is constantly cheated, but the changes are due to innovations in modern society and education. As society evolves, educational systems must also evolve. New technology and developments are constantly ingratiated into society, and we must adapt to the changes made. Our class happened to be the ones most affected by change. If it wasn’t our class, it would be the class below us or the class above us. No matter what grade you’re in or how old you are, societal innovations are bound to occur, and we as seniors must learn to accept the changing of society.


Although it’s frustrating and unfair, we as a class must learn to live with the circumstances. We can not control developments in society or modern education, in fact we should be thankful. There are so many students and schools that do not have the same opportunities we do, they do not have technology in the classroom or a safe school to go to every day. In the chaos of high school, we get too caught up in our loses, when we should be appreciating the accomplishments we have made as a class and a community. I hate to say it, but stop being sulky, seniors.