Top 40 and Tapas Will Not be Topped!


Nate Sage, Staff Writer

Top 40 and Tapas was this weekend and it went seamlessly. For those of you who don’t know, Top 40 and Tapas is a collaboration event between Prostart and Broomfield Choir. Choir provides the astonishing performances while Prostart provides the outstanding food. Both Belles and Jazz Choir killed their performances. Various soloists performed as well and they all were amazing. Top 40 and Tapas is not your average concert. Those who perform wait and bus tables. This provides an amazing experience for the guests as you can meet all the performers. There was worry — having a new choir teacher — that the event would not be the same. Although Mr. Bizzaro is new to Broomfield, he has done his best to preserve the legacy of Top 40 and Tapas. One of his steps to preserve the event was letting the students lead the concert. Students were responsible for timing, getting each other up on stage and performing their favorite songs.“It was crazy, but I loved it. Everyone is there for their love of choir and the community is surreal. I’m so excited for this year with Mr. Bizzaro,” said Paige Lewis (12). Way to go Broomfield Choir! We’ll see you at the next event.


Picture credit: Fletcher Kim