The Secret Life of Mrs.Marchi

Sydnie Ho, Staff Writer

Mrs. Paige Marchi. Broomfield High School math teacher, wife of Mr. Steve Marchi, and mother of 4 children. Mrs. Marchi seems like she would be just your average high school teacher, but she has a hidden secret you wouldn’t expect any ordinary teacher to have.

What many people don’t know about Mrs. Marchi is that outside her life as a teacher, mother, and wife, she runs a fashion Instagram account with over 15.9 thousand followers. Her Instagram account, “Style This Life,” was started in 2013 and is now an account known to many other online fashion bloggers. “I had gotten into a rut where I wasn’t putting much effort or creativity into my outfits. I didn’t realize there was this awesome online community of other women doing the same thing, so we all shared and were inspired by one another,” said Marchi.  

I wanted to motivate myself to put a little more into planning and putting together outfits. So, I secretly started an Instagram account to share outfits.

Her Instagram posts consist of daily outfit posts, sharing how much things cost and where she gets them to show others that you don’t need a lot to create great outfits. Marchi often posts challenges, like wearing only 9 items in different ways for a week, to show that only a few clothing items can go a long way. She says she has “always enjoyed shopping and clothes but really got into fashion when Pinterest got popular.” She built up her avid love for fashion, inspired by posts on Pinterest, and started experimenting with the articles she had in her very own closet.

During the first year of running her secret Instagram account, Mrs. Marchi started to see her followers grow at a surprising rate. “I totally did not expect to get followers. I still get kind of embarrassed about my Instagram account when people find out about it. I didn’t tell ANYONE but my sister when I started it, and I still don’t know how word got out at Broomfield High. But, It’s a lot of fun and I have met some super cool women and learned a lot about fashion and been inspired to try new things,” said Marchi.

Though she sees it as a bit of an embarrassment when talk of her account gets around, the few students who know about it have different opinions. “I think it is really cool that she has a similar passion as me and unexpected to have a teacher with a fashion Instagram account with such a big following! Her Instagram posts inspires my outfits and boosts my confidence about how I dress,” said junior Cassidy Sutton. “She is basically a fashion icon and her outfits are so cute! It’s amazing what she can put together with such a limited wardrobe,” said junior Meredith Frey.

Whether Mrs. Marchi knows it or not, her account and fashion sense has inspired others. Like us, teachers are full of hidden secrets of their own. You just need to know where look for them. Like on Instagram…