AP Horror or AP Fun?
Have you ever wondered what taking an AP class would be like? The effects it would have on your school life?
December 1, 2022
Research has shown that students who take AP classes tend to be more attentive at school and are more likely to go to college and or graduate.
Broomfield high school is a school of many talented kids. From athletes to artists, to incredibly hardworking and smart people.
During advisory (an extra class the whole school has to take) on November 15th, 2022, over 500 students at Broomfield high took a survey explaining how they feel about AP or honor classes, why they took it, and if they regret taking the high-level class or not.
48 percent of the students at Broomfield High said they took an AP/honor class because they wanted a higher GPA average. 17.3 percent of Broomfield High students took an AP/honor class because they thought it would be a fun challenge.
Do students regret taking a high-level AP class? Though the percentage rate of why students at Broomfield High took AP classes was resourceful, it doesn’t explain how the students feel about an AP class course after they take it. Luckily, students were willing to express their feelings they had after they took the course.
A majority of the AP students were appreciative of the AP classes saying that they are grateful because it helps them learn more and gives them the chance to take the biliteracy test. Some students even expressed how the classes weren’t too difficult. Though one student said, “I’m not grateful or regretful. To me, it’s just a class with more work involved.”

Although, some students wish they didn’t sign up, sharing how they do regret taking the classes. How it’s, “too much work” or because they don’t get enough support. This is understandable considering the number of hours students spend on homework as a whole, not just the AP class homework.
The good of AP classes at Broomfield High did overweight the bad, but that doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and rainbows.
Everybody is different and taking an AP class course is something one has to decide for themselves. People can obtain information about the courses, but people will never know how they truly feel about the idea of an AP class unless they take a leap of faith and try it out for themselves.
Although it’s only the first semester, course registration for next year is around the corner, and with that being said, it’s not too early to start reflecting on your classes now and decide if you’re good where you’re at or if you want more of a challenge in 2023.