Homecoming- Expectations vs. Reality

Ana Cole, Staff Writer

Homecoming is not how it’s seen in the movies. It may seem like this wonderful night where you take a limo to a fancy restaurant, or you and your crush fall in love, but it’s not all laughs and fun. These are some of the expectations that most people hope to experience at homecoming.


  1. Take a huge party bus with 30 of your best friends.
  2. Slow dance with your crush.
  3. The DJ plays your favorite songs (that are actually up to date).
  4. Lots of actual dancing on the dance floor.

Overall these things are all quite cliche. As you all found out, the homecoming dance, in most cases, does not turn out to meet most, if any, of these expectations. Here are the actual results of my homecoming night.


  1. I ended up going with 5 of my other friends in one of their cars.
  2. My crush danced with a bunch of other girls (none of which, were me).
  3. The DJ played songs from 2012 or earlier years.
  4. Junior boys took up the whole dance floor,  jumping back and forth, managing to step on my feet every 5 seconds.

Although this years homecoming was full of foot blisters and heartbreak, it was the best one yet. From my experiences, you don’t always have to go with a big group to have a good time, you just need a few good friends and a positive mindset.