Give Back This Holiday Season
November 28, 2017
The holidays are a great time to shower our friends, family, and ourselves with gifts or stuff our faces full of delicious food until we fall into food coma, but what about the people who can’t afford to make mashed potatoes and turkey, or get their child the gift they have been dreaming of since last year? It is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but sometimes it isn’t that way for everyone. This holiday season there are numerous opportunities in the Broomfield area to help our families in need to make their holidays as magical as everyone else’s. Broomfield Fish is always in need for food, and during the holiday season, food is needed even more than any other time of the year, but instead of donating the soup that has been sitting in the back of your cabinet for the past six months, try donating items from your dining table on Thanksgiving. In addition to Fish, A Precious Child needs volunteers to come in and help sort donations to get them onto the floor for their clients. These items include clothing, toys, household items, toiletries, diapers, and accessories. A Precious Child is always accepting donations that can be dropped off at the Broomfield location. In addition to regular donations, during the holiday season, A Precious Child does their Precious Gift giving tree event where children in need put their top three gift they want for Christmas with a fifty dollar limit. It doesn’t take much to make lives a little bit better during the holiday season, so this year get in the spirit by giving not just to your loved one but to your community as well.
Visit these links to get involved:
A Precious Child-
Broomfield Fish-