Broomfield High School’s Spring Blood Drive

Daulton Logan, Staff Writer

Broomfield High School’s spring blood drive is here! On May 4th from 10:00am to 4:30pm, the blood drive will be happening.

For those who decide to participate there are a few things you need to look into before you get your blood drawn. First, you must be 17 or older and and weigh at least 110 pounds. Make sure you are well hydrated – this is the most important; wear something comfortable; if you are taking any medications make sure to let the people drawing your blood know; do not forget an ID; and be relaxed. There is nothing to worry about and it will all be over in a matter of minutes.

Getting your blood drawn is a simple process that only requires a few minutes out of your day. The first thing you are going to do is sign a registration form that lets the staff and volunteers know that you are in fact eligible to have your blood drawn. After registration, the staff will ask you about your health history and a short mini-physical. This is to find out if there might be something the staff needs to be aware about before they draw blood. The next step is the actual blood-drawing procedure. The staff will swab your arm with alcohol and then stick the needle in your arm. If you’re worried about pain, there is no need to worry. The needle feels like a pinch and that is it! The donation itself only takes around ten minutes. After your blood is drawn, you’ll be given a snack and a drink and asked to stick around for 10-15 minutes just as precautionary measure. Once you are done with the donation, it is important to keep hydrating and avoid strenuous exercise if possible.

Drawing blood can be very beneficial. For starters, it can help somebody in need of blood. It also can be used as free health check-up. Before you get your blood drawn you will be asked a series of questions and your blood pressure will be taken. On top of this, before your blood is given to somebody else it will be sent to a lab that will run tests on it making sure the blood is clean and void of unknown complications. If your blood shows signs of possible disease or infections after being tested, you will be notified.

Those who wish to participate need to fill out the form that can be found by clicking on this link: Make sure you’re eligible. Get out there. Donate your blood and save a life!