Artist of the Week: Megan Eaman

Jacob Wolfe, Staff Writer



Megan Eaman (12th Grade) has caught the attention of both her peers and her teacher with her newest piece. Pottery 2 is currently creating their dream houses out of clay, and she decided to incorporate one of her passions to make a beautiful sculpture. “Last year I took Art History, and in one of the units we learned about different architectural styles over the course of history, which I really liked” said Megan. Megan dedicated each layer of her sculpture to one of her favorite architectural design. The top layer mimics the Taj Mahal, the second layer incorporates Roman columns, the third layer is decorated with Islamic patterns, and the bottom layer recreates designs similar to a Gothic cathedral. The majority of her sculpture was made by slab and carved into, while the top was thrown on the wheel like a bowl. Megan has come in for many of her off periods in order to finish this intricate sculpture, but she feels the final result will be worth sacrificing some of her free time. She is almost done with her piece, she just needs to finish up some of the detailing and edges, then she’s ready to fire and glaze it. Megan plans to continue to make each layer similar to each style when glazing. She wants to glaze the Islamic layer with bright colors and stained glass for the Gothic layer, but is undecided how she will recreate the other two layers. Megan is undecided whether she wants to pursue a career in architecture. Megan stated she was “really interested in the exterior design and structure of buildings, but I’m not sure about the math part of architecture”. Megan’s class and teacher are eager to see how her piece turns out when it’s completed.