Senior Pranks
May 18, 2016
From being freshmen to sophomores and juniors, then finally seniors, remembering the best and sometimes worst memories of high school will always provide entertaining stories to tell. With the four years coming to an end, seniors will leave their own mark. Whether it’s within the yearbook, hallways of the schools, or records kept in the school books, traces of the seniors will never fade away. In fact, the tradition of having seniors leave their mark towards the end of the school year for other grades to remember them by is often presented in a prank someway, somehow during one of the days before finals.
Throughout the many years of being a principal in Broomfield High School, Mrs. Ramsey has seen it all. From leaving huge piles of snow in front of the doors so no one could leave the school, barricading the senior lot with hurdles, letting the mascot run around the halls into classrooms, and having large groups of seniors come together to either stand or sit in the middle of a busy hallway to block the students from going to class and force them to take the long way, the seniors show their farewells.
There was one year where seniors suddenly got together and started the “senior snuggle.” Mrs Ramsey said, “All I could do was laugh,” as it [the hug-fest] only lasted for about five minutes. For the class of 2015, the senior prank was dropping ping pong balls from the second floor down into the first floor and leaving stink bombs in every trashcan throughout the halls. The seniors came together on the facebook page where plans are made for the special day.
Here’s a few thoughts from some of the adults in our building regarding senior pranks:
“I do not mind senior pranks,” said Mrs. Ramsey. “As long as they are not destructive, do not interrupt the school or damage it, and no one gets hurt [however]…Senior pranks make me nervous.”
“Just be classy and appropriate.”
- Assistant Principal, Mr. Barnes.
“I’ve been pretty disappointed in the senior pranks.”
- Physical Education Teacher, Mrs. Shipley.
“To be honest, senior pranks are a waste of time and energy. There’s a hundred different ways to leave their imprint on our school and community! For example, have the seniors raise money for a bench with their class on it or even go to the senior center and do a picnic for seniors during skip day. Make a difference! Bring attention to themselves in a positive manner.”
- Physical Education Teacher and Coach, Mr. Zechmann.
“I think they are funny, as long as they are creative and not too disruptive.”
- Language Arts Teacher, Mrs. Tovar.
“As long as they don’t hurt anyone.”
- Social Studies Teacher and Coach, Mr. Cooper.
Although many have their own opinion on senior pranks, there is really no way around it. As the year comes to an end, the seniors are slowly getting ready to head out onto better things in their lives, but, before they do, the anticipation for what’s in store this year for their senior prank is having everyone on edge. Ending the year with their final farewell, the seniors will leave Broomfield High School with these few words that have been echoing throughout the halls ever since freshman year, “Once an Eagle, always an eagle.”