Coffee Shop (Joshua)

Joshua Hicks, Staff Writer

a photo by Alfonso Lopez
As Michael sat alone at the table,
He could not get the image out of his mind.
An image of his beautiful wife named Mabel,
He knew there was no better girl to find. After being apart for quite a long while,
Michael couldn’t wait to just see her smile.
He received a text from Mabel that said,
“Be there soon. You’ll see my taxi, it’s red”
The plan was to meet at the cafe at three,
Finally Michael’s anxiousness would be free.
The clock hit three, three ten, three thirty,
More time passed, Michael began to worry.
He called Mabel, no answer, twice more.
No answer. Anxiousness was replaced.
Replaced by fear and worry for his wife,
His worry felt as a stab from a knife.
He walked outside to call once more,
Then he saw, next to a corner store,
The scene of a two cars that crashed,
Both cars were completely smashed.
As Michael approached, he saw the cars.
He saw a flipped black SUV from afar,
He collapsed and fell onto his knees.
“Please do not let this be true, please”.
Completely destroyed, sat a red taxi.