Beginners Luck or Talent?

When people start new things and are extraordinarily good at it, people tend to believe that it’s just beginner’s luck, but what if it isn’t?

Liliana Escalante, Staff Writer

Regan Doyle is a junior at Broomfield High and has been playing tennis for approximately one year. This is Doyle’s first time playing tennis for the high school’s girls tennis team and she already made a varsity three dubs spot with a personal win/loss record of 5-3.

In any high school sport it can be hard to make varsity, especially if someone hasn’t played before.

Ella Murphy, a junior, is also a part of the girls tennis team. This is Murphy’s first time ever playing tennis and is excelling at the sport with a win/loss record of 5-3 and a varsity three dubs position.

Together they have a win/loss record of 4-5.

Broomfield’s head girls tennis coach Melissa McGinness said that “Regan excelled in our winter camp and Ella showed great promise in our spring season kickoff. Our coaches paired them up, they made varsity, and had the best win/loss record on varsity this year.”

With this being said, McGinness also had a few kind words to say about both Doyle and Murphy.

“Ella is fun, energetic, open to learning new things while being passionate about getting better day in and day out. Regan is driven, self motivated, compassionate while being extremely competitive. She balances team dynamics with her pursuit to improve every day as well.

Doyle and Murphy shared their secret to success as double teammates: “It’s our communication. We always keep each other up and help each other if we miss a shot,” said Doyle. “And our stellar attitude — a winning attitude. We try to hit our shots as best we can,” added Murphy. “Yeah, balls deep,” Doyle said.

Recently the girls tennis team went to leagues (a larger tournament where many different schools meet up to compete against each other) and Doyle and Murphy expressed their feelings that day since it was such a big event.

Nerves kicked in majorly for the both of them. “It was scary. It was my first big competition,” describes Murphy. “This was our first year playing tennis. I always get nervous,” explained Doyle.

Though both of them got nervous before their match, they both agreed that it was a good thing that they were nervous because being nervous before a match means you actually care about what’s about to happen.

Doyle and Murphy played Loveland High School’s three dubs tennis team for leagues. It was a competitive match, but they lost with the ending score being 1-6, 4-6. Both Doyle and Murphy explained how poorly they felt after the match. “It made me doubt my ability,” Doyle explained. “It made me feel like I was a bad tennis player,” described Murphy.

With that being said, they didn’t stay sad over their loss for long. Instead, both Doyle and Murphy looked forward, saying how they would do better next time and how they would come back and smash it at regionals.

Speaking of regionals, both girls are very excited. Why might they be excited? “Because we’re going to win,” explained Murphy. “And it would be exciting if we got to state our first year of playing tennis,” added Doyle. The team is routing for Doyle and Murphy to kill it at regionals.

“What both these girls have is definitely not beginner’s luck. It’s a mindset.” said coach Melissa McGinness.