Model Rockets and a Future Career in Space Engineering

A phenomenally smart and caring guy captures the essence of what it’s like to be and stay humble in life while having the smarts of a NASA employee.

Liliana Escalante, Staff Writer

Senior Spencer Peck gives an exclusive inside look about his life and future pursuits to The Eagle Way News.

Eagle Way: We’ve learned of your love for model rockets. What started your fascination with them?

Spencer Peck: I’ve always been interested in aerospace and I saw some kits around in some places and I just wanted to try one out. I thought it would be fun to do that, and when I started to do that, I kind of fell in love.

EW: We also heard of your love for trains. What started your fascination with them?

Peck: With trains, my fascination came a bit later on. I kind of learned about climate change and how cars [contributed] so much of that, and I heard from a couple different places that trains (and buses) can reduce climate change, and I thought that was really cool.

EW: Why is climate change so important to you?

Peck: Personally, as a young person, climate change is something that will affect us in the future; not necessarily in a good way. So I think it’s just important that we take care of the planet to ensure internal success. This would avoid a lot of the issues that come with it, like rising sea levels.

EW: Being a senior, Peck has some colleges in mind, including Purdue University and Michigan State University. Michigan State is a very competitive college to get into, but Peck’s knowledge and capabilities should throw him far in front of the line.

Why do you want to go to these colleges?

Peck: When I toured them last year. I thought they were nice schools. They have really nice programs for rocketry and aerospace engineering; they have a good atmosphere.

EW: Besides Peck’s incredibly intelligent and hard-working self, he does other things in his free time. On Saturdays, Peck hangs out with friends, volunteers at A Precious Child, and finds time to do homework. On Sundays, Peck is usually working at the Home Depot.

According to Senior Class President, Kaviya Chidambaram, “Spencer’s very responsible and fatherly. He’s a respectful young gent and very funny.” Ronan Gibson (‘23), noted that “[Peck is] always ready to help others.

So it’s true, Peck is a kind and humble person who has his sights set on the stars.