Mr. Techmanski

Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle!

Ryan Kaiser, Staff Writer

“Once an Eagle, always an Eagle” is true for everyone that has ever gone to Broomfield High School. We are all united as a community and being an Eagle is something that we all have in common.

However, this is especially true for our new math teacher, Mr. Techmanski.

Techmanski graduated from Broomfield High School in 2007 but still found his way back here.

As a student at BrHS, Techmanski had some memorable experiences as an eagle. “I absolutely loved Broomfield High School. I feel like it’s just a place where you can really build relationships that last. The community around Broomfield is just very special.”

After graduating from BrHS in 2007, Techmanski went to Front Range Community College, and then ended up at Metropolitan State University in Denver. In 2012, he graduated with a degree in applied mathematical concepts and then went on to work as a data engineer. However, shortly after, he decided he wanted to do something different: “I didn’t like the idea of sitting in a cubicle all day. It got pretty boring.” Techmanski said he wanted to become a teacher because, “I wanted to have an impact on the community around me, and that’s when I made the change to becoming a teacher and helping students understand math.” His mother and grandmother were both teachers, so he has always been around a school.

Along with his mother and grandmother, he has a daughter and another baby coming sometime in October.

Outside of school, however, Techmanski has many hobbies such as playing fantasy football, video games, and going to concerts. One of his defining characteristics is his shoe collection. He said,

“My students say I got shoe game, so I love collecting shoes.”

Once we graduate from Broomfield High School, we are always going to be Eagles, and we will always be welcome to come back. Since the community around him was so special at BrHS, Techmanski wanted to come back. “I just think back to the saying, Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.”