Stars! They’re Just Like Us!

Joshua Hicks, Staff Writer

When seeing celebrities like the Kardashians, one may think that all they ever do is focus on their image and make sure that if a camera is aimed at them, they look good. In reality celebrities actually go through many of the everyday activities as the average person does. Surely there are parts of their life that differ from the norm such as having millions of dollars and being known by millions of people as well, but as a society we have created the mindset that these celebrities live lives that we could only dream of. Over time this view has only gotten more extreme. When pictures are taken of celebrities doing normal things such as shopping at a grocery store or eating at a restaurant, jaws drop. People feel as if these celebrities are gods; miracles when seen amongst normal people. It’s ridiculous. Yes, most celebrities become famous because of a specific talent that they have, while others have earned their fame through their vulgarity or desirable bodies. Regardless, they are all still human.
There are many reasons as to why people think that celebrities are not human. A big thing about celebrities that seems to surprise many people is that they have families and even kids. For example, consider Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. In his movies he poses as a huge and invincible man who tears through people left and right; a crazed adrenaline junkie who is addicted to cocaine, even as Hercules. Yet in real life he posts pictures of his pregnant wife and shows himself to be a caring and loving person, contradictory to his on-screen appearance. Can this really be possible? Of course it can. Although extremely muscular and menacing, Dwayne Johnson is a regular person just like the rest of us. Contrary to belief, many celebrities actually prefer a normal life. Many in our society will hear this and simply ignore it because they do not see how that could be possible, but when looking into a celebrities everyday life it becomes evident.
Above is a photo of Kobe Bryant. It may appear appealing at first, being surrounded by dozens of admiring fans, but when thinking about how the situation would be in reality it would be quite the opposite. Constantly surrounded by crowds of people screaming your name, trying to get you to sign their random objects, and trying to touch you because they are that obsessed, does not sound fun.

kobe-sneaker-495x329And this is only the fans. Celebrities also have to deal with the haters. In Kobe’s case he can make enemies by just winning a game. Enemies who send threats, scream, and throw things at him. The worst part is that this constant crowding does not end once he leaves the court. It follows him everywhere. This is a large problem with many celebrities.  They are unable to simply take a walk without someone disturbing them due to their unforgettable face. This forces them to wear large baggy clothes just not to be bothered by someone they do not even know.

The riches and the fame of being a celebrity are envied by almost everybody. But what we  overlooked is our own tranquility that many celebrities will never get to have. Even with these differences, celebrities are just like us and they have many of the same problems and same aspects of their lives as the average person does. Idolized, seen as god-like, obsessed over, they are all just human.